Daily Reader for Day 380: -

by Dave Moore

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.  He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him.  He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.  – John 1:6-8

This is one of my favorite sequences in the whole Bible.  It says something about God’s character that He would allow His most holy Word to be revealed with such whimsy, such matter-of-factness.  The power of this Word would crush us were we to meet it head-on.  “There was a man…” is an on-ramp to this rushing highway that allows us to, at least, merge – though rarely to keep up.

Such has been our goal with the Daily Reader.  We have not set out to redefine Bible reading or to write a commentary.  Our goals have been twofold: to help people read the entire Bible, and to encourage people to go to church.  To accomplish the first, we’ve tried to provide on-ramps.  To accomplish the second, we’ve left you wanting.  God’s will, and God’s Word, are best discerned in community with other believers.

We believe that the Bible is the record that the Lord has the power, authority, and integrity to accomplish His purposes and His promises.  It has a power all its own: to teach, to rebuke, to heal.  In our 15 month production of the Daily Reader we’ve stood in awe of the Holy Spirit’s work: all we have to do is open the book, and be ready to listen, and the Spirit takes it from there. 

This is not to say that there isn’t much, much more.  We’ve only scratched the surface – yes, in 379 days we’ve only knocked the dust off the cover!  What we hoped for, more than anything, was to give you context within which to read the Bible, to recognize the threads and narratives that bind it together, and to worship God for His faithfulness from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22.  What did you notice?  What did you wonder?  Revisit scenes that excited you, that troubled you, confident that, “These words are trustworthy and true.”  

As we neared the end of this project, many have asked us “What’s next?”  If we really believe that the Word is trustworthy and true, and that the Spirit is a faithful witness, then our only righteous response is: “Do it again.” 

Now let’s read it!


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Who Did This & Why?

You Can Read the Bible is supported by Bellefield Presbyterian Church and blessed with its wonderful volunteers, including: Dave Moore, Jose David Aguilar Posada, Meagan Carter, Fiona Carter, Tanya Carter, Greg Burdette, Madeline Kulp, Andie Young, Justin Ray, Gary Liberati, Maureen Hinchman, Ken MacLeod, John Dolan, Roberto Cantillo, Charlei George, Josh Brown, Jeanne Griffith, Zachary Fritts, Dan Hinchman, Sophia Young, Lynette MacLeod, Gladys Cantillo, Grace Watson, Marianne Seah, Ian MacLeod, Liz Zimmerman, August Hall, Paza Boyd, Kristin Horner, Daniel Young, Paul Griffoen, Ben Moore, Meredith Carter, Bob Willson, Rosie Wagoner, Nick Bersin, Rhonda Hall, Helen Dolby, Emily Moore, Rick Zimmerman, Matt Jones, Kiana Jones, Jane Carter, Marilyn Long, Renee Hairston, Heather Weaver, Carol Williams, Anita Woolley, Andrew Thorpe, Emily Wenz, Matt Carter, and many others.

A special note of thanks to Dave Moore, the Moore family, Maureen Hinchman, the Hinchman family, Jose Posada, the Posada family, and to the Carter family. This would not have happened without your unwavering efforts, sacrifice, and support! Thank you!

We provide You Can Read the Bible in all of its many forms and formats as a ministry service to grow disciples within the church universal. This is not a substitute for your local church community, but it could be a resource to use within your local church and for you personally.

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